According to Tiger Woods, this technique produces "Frightening" results...

How to master the Swing Secret of "Golf's Greatest Ball-Striker" in a
Single Afternoon!

Plus, humiliate your friends next time you play by smashing dead-straight long shots that slash strokes from your next round - GUARANTEED

If you're struggling with your golf game, I want you to watch this video VERY closely...
For a limited time you have a chance to discover the simple, pain-free golf swing of golf's greatest ball striker, Moe Norman.

I gained over 20 yards per iron and 30 for woods. 

I was going to quit golf before I started this...I have since dropped my handicap to a 7.
– Robert P.

I hit the ball straight, hit most fairways and have had 4 holes in one! 

This works!
– Lynann S.

I have gained a LOT of consistency - several members of the course on which I play a lot have been commenting, "Oh, I forgot, you are the guy who hits the ball straight.
– Phil V.

Moe Norman's Single Plane Golf Swing
The Easiest Way To Hit A Golf Ball Guaranteed

Tiger Woods Called Moe's Swing Technique "Frightening" Because it Produced Ultra-Long, Dead-Straight Shots, Over and Over Again...

Moe Norman’s self-taught single plane golf swing was called weird, unorthodox, different, but it was highly efficient, amazingly exact and freakishly accurate.

In his career, Moe sank 17 holes-in-oneboasted three scores of 59 … four scores of 61 … nine double eagles … and set 41 course records!

He was: 2 times Ontario Open Champion… 2 times Saskatchewan Open Champion… 3 times Manitoba Open Champion… 2 time Alberta Open Champion… 2 times Canadian Amateur Champion…

2 time Canadian Professional Champion… and 7 times Canadian Professional Golfers Association Seniors Champion during an 8-year stretch.


“Only two players have ever truly owned their swings – Moe Norman and Ben Hogan. I want to own mine.”
– Tiger Woods
“My Coach, John Redman, saw Moe walking towards us one day in college, and said, ‘Boys, here comes the greatest ball striker who ever lived.’ I thought, ‘Yeah right. Who does he think he’s kidding?’ This guy was dressed in a black turtleneck, long dark pants, and it’s 120 degrees. Well, Moe came up and started ripping drivers right off the ground–dead straight at the 250-yard marker. He probably hit 50 balls and never moved them more than 10 yards either way. It was Unbelievable.”
– Paul Azinger
“Moe always made being on the range a big event. As a player, that’s one of the things you looked forward to when you came to the Canadian Open each year. All of us used to hang around on Tuesday and Wednesday just waiting for Moe to show up. It was amazing to listen to the knowledge he had about the game. But even more amazing was his ability to strike the ball.
– Tom Lehman
"You know what’s most amazing about Moe? This man never won a U.S. Open, never won on the PGA Tour and barely had a pro career outside of Canada. But you’re talking about someone known around the world in every country golf is played. That made Moe a very rich man in my eyes.”
– Lee Trevino
“Moe was always jolly, cutting up and he had a ball no matter what people thought. Of course, he jabbered a lot. Moe was his own man and he did what pleased Moe Norman and I thought that was great.”
– Sam Snead


Gary Player said, "Norman's swing has fewer moving parts than any swing I've seen." That is one of the big secrets to Moe hitting the ball perfectly almost every single time.

You see, Moe’s swing (what he called “The Feeling of Greatness”) had less moving parts because he kept the club on a single plane.

Unlike traditional swings, the Single Plane Swing starts in the same position as the shaft ends up at impact.

Which means, less moving parts to the swing.

The extra movement caused by a two-plane swing (which is how traditional golf instructors teach you to swing the club) results in consistent inconsistency.

Moe instinctively developed a swing that removed all that extra motion and this "natural" swing was the key for his uncanny consistency.
Moe shared with me the same swing secrets I’m about to share with you.

Which were so incredibly powerful, my game went from the gutter to the big time...
I uncorked new power that had been trapped inside my body and began muscling 275+ yard drives effortlessly.

(Man, it felt so good to hear that "clink!" sound when the club head smashed the ball... and... I knew another long shot off the tee was sailing straight and true down the length of the fairway!)

I’ve got golfers in their 50’s… 60’s… and 70’s playing the best golf of their entire lives after switching over to the Single Plane Swing.

If they can do it, so can you.

These golfers took a “chance” and look where they are now.

Why not join them today?

Add me to the list of believers. BOMBING my drives dead straight. This from someone who couldn't hit a straight drive for a million dollars. I'm old, all arms and come over the top... No more.... UNBELIEVABLE difference.
– John L.

I played yesterday in a 15-20 mile an hour wind and shot an 82... I'm 65 and I hit 15 out of 18 fairways... wish I had had this 30 years ago.
– Kerry F.

I'm 64 and a 6 hndc but my back couldn't handle the conventional swing. I tried this booklet... hitting it straighter, farther with much less effort. I would teach this method exclusively to all golfers.
– Mark C.

Works great... hit longer and straighter first time out... I'm 72 years old now and still out drive all my buddies.

– Joe M.

Working for me. I had a stroke and now I hit the ball with just my right arm, and I'm still in the middle of the fairway if I want to... it goes where I aim it.

– Gordon B.

It's allowed me to play with a bad back. Thought I was going to have to give up golf. It was actually a physical therapy person who clued me in to the SPS.

– Roy V.

Golf is fun again! Now I aim to the middle of the fairway every time... I hit greens more consistently, not to mention better ball striking with all clubs... I'm a happy camper.

– Wolf Z.

It works. I am 70 years old and I have a bad back and knees. Before I struggled to break 100 and yesterday I shot a 83. I can't wait to get out again.

– Michael B.

Went to the range yesterday and I was amazed... One after another straight and well hit. Distance is great for the amount of effort put into the swing. I feel like anyone can learn this.

– Jesse G.

I have back and leg issues which ended my days of playing par. However with this, my back and legs do not feel the pain, plus I can walk the next day!

– Curtis M.

I didn't discover this until I was 70 years old... I am playing the best golf of my life. It is such a different game when you can consistently hit the ball straight.

– Rod P.